2013 Essay Contest Finalist

Entry by Sophie Gonzales

Mapping Our World Essay

In order to monitor interactions among the Earth systems, geoscientists must use maps. These maps help us meet challenges and make the most of opportunities in areas such as energy, agriculture, natural disasters, community planning, and the environment. Geologic maps help outline fragile habitats and bionetworks, protect against natural hazards, and locate needed resources.

Maps are becoming more predictive so that geoscientists can locate habitats with threatened and endangered species of animals. These maps make it easier to justify any hazard by providing important information needed to access the risk and take appropriate actions. They also help evaluate resources, such as gold deposits in Nevada, and play a major role in land use planning where they are used to identify areas that have a high potential for development.

Also, geoscientists create and use maps to improve our lives by studying the history and works of Earth based on how the planet has changed and developed. Geologic maps calculate future trends so that Earth scientists can evaluate potential problems and find ways to prevent them. Advising the public about possible natural disasters can help save lives. These scientists have a purpose to help people and communities recognize the risks of their local areas and get prepared to face the forces that shape the Earth.

Geologic maps are a visual representation of the interactions between the systems of Earth science. They are used to monitor the hydrosphere by maintaining water quality and searching for resources like groundwater. The atmosphere is monitored using geologic maps by weather forecasting and exploring our solar system. Maps contribute to the biosphere by preserving soils and conserving our agriculture. The geosphere plays another role in maps because geoscientists are constantly predicting impacts on our natural landscapes. The benefits of geology help us understand Earth’s interactions among systems.