2017 Essay Contest Finalist

Entry by Ellie Kain-Kuzniewski

A Changing World

Millions of years ago, plants provided habitats that were adequate for supporting life. Nature was at peace and crafted to a virtual perfection that us humans are now blind to due to our harmful and complicated industrial advancement. Human activity, especially agriculture, deforestation, and urbanization, has recently become threatening to our planet’s future

Human development and urbanization is the leading cause of deforestation and habitat loss. It is estimated that 177,000 square kilometers of woodlands are cleared annually for agricultural purposes, such as farming and lumber production, making this the single leading cause of deforestation. Habitats like plains and swamp lands continue to disappear as they are cleared for industrial development, such as housing and roads.

Sadly, habitation loss does not limit itself to the geosphere. The hydrosphere is also affected by pollution, war engagement, and tourism. Agriculture has vastly affected the hydrosphere with excessive phosphorus and nitrogen levels due to fertilization runoff. This correspondingly leads to a high population of plankton in specific areas of the hydrosphere, thus affecting the biosphere. The atmosphere has also started to obtain greater levels of carbon dioxide due to the massive, increasing use of fossil fuels. Since the human population has cleared nearly half of forests and woodlands, there are now less organisms that can absorb the excess carbon dioxide.

Humans are becoming aware of their negative impacts on the environment and are now seizing opportunities to reverse them. Technology is being used more to cut down on paper, and we are recycling more often. Consumers are looking for eco-friendly products and are making changes in their daily lives, such as going vegan, to try and preserve our earth’s habitats.

As humans, we need to do our part in trying to preserve natural habitats. One little decision can make a huge difference.


Nichols, M. (2017). Impact of habitat loss on species. Retrieved from http://wwf.panda.org/about_our_earth/species/problems/habitat_loss_degradation/

National Geographic. Deforestation and Its Effect on the Planet. (2017, July 25). Retrieved from http://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/deforestation/

N.A. Causes, Effects and Solutions For Habitat Loss and Destruction. (2016, December 24). Retrieved from https://www.conserve-energy-future.com/causes-effects-solutions-for-habitat-loss-and-destruction.php

D. T. (2013). David Tilman. Retrieved from http://m.pnas.org/content/98/10/5433.full

N.A. Habitat Loss. (2014). Retrieved from http://m.everythingconnects.org/site/everythingconnects/habitat-loss?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.everythingconnects.org%2Fhabitat-loss.html#2517