2017 Essay Contest Finalist

Entry by Madeline Marous

Every global problem that ever existed had to start somewhere, such as natural disasters, starvation, or climate change. But one of the major factors in a human’s safety on Earth is themselves. In every sphere of the earth, whether it is geosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, or atmosphere, humans have altered the world forever.

But how are these problems dealt with so the Earth isn’t ruined? That’s why geoscience is here. A geoscientist studies human interaction with these systems, which benefits how we manage challenges. They analyze the causes and effects in great detail to contribute to a positive outcome as much as possible.

One of these major examples is global warming. The twenty first century has had 16 of the 17 warmest years in recorded history, this past year being the hottest. This is concerning many people across the globe.

Geoscientists have since discovered the reason. A recent study proposes that 13 out of 15 of some of the warmest years in the past wouldn’t have been nearly as hot without fossil fuels being burnt. For example, coal is made almost entirely out of carbon. Coal being burnt results in the emission of carbon dioxide. This is known to increase greenhouse effects in the atmosphere, which leads to global warming.

Without geoscientists, the causes of these critical problems couldn’t be recognized. That’s why it is critical that geoscientists are here today - to investigate the world’s difficulties and explore the relationship between human interactions and global situations. Without geoscience, major environmental struggles couldn’t be addressed as easily and efficiently as they are now.

1"Essay Contest | Earth Science Week." http://www.earthsciweek.org/contests/essay. Accessed 9 Oct. 2017.

2"Do We Know that Humans Are the Major Cause of Global Warming.“http://www.ucsusa.org/global_warming/science_and_impacts/science/human-contribution-to-gw-faq.html. Accessed 9 Oct. 2017.

3"The Likelihood of Recent Record Warmth : Scientific Reports - Nature.” 25 Jan. 2016,https://www.nature.com/articles/srep19831. Accessed 9 Oct. 2017.

4"What Is the Environmental Impact of Mining and Burning Coal ….“http://www.dummies.com/education/science/environmental-science/what-is-the-environmental-impact-of-mining-and-burning-coal/. Accessed 9 Oct. 2017.