How Natural Gas Forms

How Natural Gas Forms Activity Source: American Association of Petroleum Geologists. Adapted with permission from American Geosciences Institute in collaboration with Project SEED. Think about the energy you use every day to cook, cool your home, or travel. For most of us, the main sources of this energy are fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas. Whether used directly, as gasoline, heating oil, or natural gas, or to generate electricity (by burning coal), fossil fuels are a big part of the world’s energy picture. [Read More]

Rain and Soil

Rain and Soil Activity Source: Adapted with permission by Soil Science Society of America. When it rains, much of the water drains directly into the ground. But why? Soil is made up of four main components: minerals, organic matter, water, and air. Ideal percentages of each is shown in the figure, but in reality the percentages vary from location to location. Water moves through open spaces in soil known as “pores. [Read More]

What Will Survive?

What Will Survive? Activity Source: Adapted with permission by Archaeological Institute of America. Archaeological remains include artifacts (portable) and features (non- portable) made and used by humans. Archaeologists use these objects to understand how ancient people lived. How well archaeological remains survive depends on the materials they were made of, the ways they were used, the manner in which they were discarded, and the environment in which they were deposited. Organic remains generally decay in a short time unless preserved in special conditions. [Read More]